

Buddha Dharma


Teaching Schedule

Online Teaching in Boulder

Thursday Evening Sangha
What The Buddha Taught

A series of talks taking a close look at the key ideas in the Buddha's teaching. .
Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:45 PM,
More Information including Zoom parameters

Tuesday Morning Sangha
Part of the IMCC Daily morning sangha
A 1/2 hour sit and a short dhamma talk
8:00 - 8:45 am
More Information and Zoom Links

In Person Teaching in Boulder

The Seven Factors of Awakening
An In Person Day Long Retreat

Saturday, June 15, 9:00am - 5:00pm
More Information and Registration

Retreat at the Rocky Mountain EcoDharma Retreat Center

In 2024 I wil be teaching an in person retreat at RMERC.
Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center
Ward, CO

Silence Stillness and Concentration
A Week Long Mindfulness Retreat

Monday, September 23 - Sunday, September 29

A traditional Theravada silent mindfulness retreat with emphasis on stillness, concentration and continuity of practice, leading participants to a spacious stillness of mind, a radiant calm. There will be regular seated and walking practice, daily meditation instruction, evening dharma talks, an optional daily gentle yoga class, individual practice meetings and time every day to hike/walk in the beautiful natural world surrounding the retreat center. All of the teachings will be based directly on the Buddha’s teachings found in the Pali Canon, in particular in the Satipatthana Sutta.

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